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As online entrepreneurs, freelancers, or professionals, we may work in front of a computer at a desk or similar surface all day long. We know a thing or two about keeping our workspace clean and uncluttered and that being successful at making it look beautiful is a big plus.

You might wonder, "Is that so? How come? My mess and I get along just fine." And as a matter of fact, thinking that way is valid as long as reality matches this affirmation. Did you ever lose a piece of paper where you had written down a vital e-mail address? Did you ever experience the frustration of finishing a job or project to realize that you didn't back it up correctly? Not to mention the typical spectacle of sending your work to your client without proofreading it out of distraction.

According to the experts, unconsciously and naturally, our minds make us deviate our attention towards the invaders of our creative space and visual field. When we work in a cluttered setting, ideas don't flow as readily as we'd like them to. And with chaos all around us, we can't count the hours fast enough to leave a place that not only stresses us out but also makes us feel unproductive.

This post is not about inventing the wheel or redefining the 5S Japanese system (we will tell you more about how we implement this system to our translation methodology soon). At HT, we understand the value in consulting with the experts, those who already are where we'd like to be professionally and generate the results that inspire us most.

And now, let us share with you some tips that our team members and colleagues kindly shared with us. Below is how they get to feel productive and comfortable in their workspace and generate the best results.

Isabella (@isa_globe) – SPA-ENG Translator and world-traveler by profession.

"I like that my desk or workspace (wherever I happen to be since I travel 90% of my time) is free of clutter. Only want my essential work tools should be on it: my laptop, a pen, and my notebook. I prefer not to be in front of any windows since the brightness from outside along with my laptop's brightness give me headaches. For this reason, if any windows are present, I'd rather sit adjacently to them. For me, enjoying the company of a nice cup of tea or coffee and a lighted scented stick is essential."

To deal with the brightness coming from your computer screen, we suggest that you download a free software called f.lux. This program adjusts your screen's brightness automatically depending on the time of day. You will barely perceive the changes in tonality that your monitor will experience, and your retinas will thank you.

The specialists from (@tutraductorlegal) SPA-ENG legal translation providers, maintain the following:

"It's of the utmost importance to keep your workspace impeccable. If you are not able to maintain order in the place where your translations take place, what is to be expected of the detail you put into the translations themselves?"

The Biz Muses (@bizmuses), an expert in marketing, wordsmith, and graphic and web designer, described to us the workspace where she develops her magic:

"A workspace with a kitten and a dog, favorite art on the wall, reading chair for my IG time and orchids, because I love them, means that I'm working in my bubble of bliss. Easier to bring your A-game if you love everything about your workplace!"

Coley Translates (@coleytranslates), A FR-ENG translator, recommends the following:

"A tidy desk/office results in a tidy mind and hopefully, some fantastic translations!"

To sum things up, an essential premise of producing high-quality work is keeping the place where we spend a good chunk of our sacred time tidy and organized.

It is incredible how our productivity and the quality of our work improve when our environment is clean and in order. When these two things become the regular norm, there is cohesion between our ideas, and our projects unfold naturally.

If you'd like to test the effectivity of these tips, we suggest that you start by making small changes to your routine not to feel too overwhelmed. However, if you are feeling inspired, you may follow the recommendations of the renowned guru of organization and order, Marie Kondo, and do it all on the same day!

  1. Try by lighting a candle or scented stick next time a long session in front of the computer is in store for you. You'll feel comfortable and creative in a warm and cozy environment.

  2. Play some music in the background; it could be instrumental music, or why not your favorite band? Anything that puts you in a good mood.

  3. If you need to take notes, a single organizer or notebook with an appealing design and layout will be enough. Using these elements will be better than having notes all over the place, and next time, you will know exactly where to find the information you need.

  4. If notes are of absolute importance, both Windows and iOS have apps available that emulate sticky notes. Using these could be an adequate substitute for the paper notes that remind you of important things.

  5. Invest in a good desk chair and a beautiful lamp.

Less is more! But the nicer and closer to our tastes, the better.

Every professional is different, and that's why we understand that, because our preferences may vary, you may not find all these suggestions agreeable or useful. Nevertheless, learning more about how our colleagues produce the high-quality work that distinguishes them is always inspirational.

Please don't hesitate to leave us a comment or share your recommendations. Surely, many of us will find them useful!

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